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Blogging and Vlogging

Monday, June 8, 2015
Shade of Color:Yellow It’s the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity, sunshine and spring

I recently started vlogging because I needed another hobby to keep my mind going and my thoughts free. I know its weird that sometimes I find it easier to vent to a camera then it is to express my feelings to people. I found this out the other day when I was depressed and expressing my feelings to the camera. It actually helped me feel a bit better. I also wanted to start back blogging for my own personal reasons.1) is to have a video log to look back at my life and see how far I've come and 2) for networking purposes in the near future. 3) this is my senior year and I want to have a video reminder of my last semester at school. "Speaking of school" I have another story to tell but I guess I will save that for my next blog post. 
Another Random thought that I had is while reading my last post I realized that I'm pretty okay at blogging. My only problem is that I was have to be persistent with my post and videos. So I'm making a vow to myself to make sure I have a video and a blog posted about my week. I figured its better to write and vlog about my life then it is to just live through the motions.
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